It's 05:10, I'm finaly home from Käbi's fest, I have old sweat drying on my body, my hair is greasy, my make up is all smooshed out, my back hurts.
Hurting yourself simply because you're drunk is so annoying, so unecessary.
I knew I should have gone home after HideOut. I never know when it's enough.
After the police came up to Käbis' appartement and told us to shut up, it kind of went dead. So me, Vincent, Gito, Kuljit, Luca and Simon decided to head home. Luca and Simon went on their scooter, and the rest of us decided to take the Velib. Which was totaly nervwrecking, because neither Gito or Kuljit knows how to ride a bike, and kind of went all over the traffic. Gito fell and knocked his head into a pole, and thought it was funny, which I really didn't!
Anyways, tomorrow is a new day, I'm gonna try to go to bed, forget everything, get all the irritation to go away.
Cojean parties are tiring after a while...:P
I'm being lifted and turned up side down, and just being on a rollercoaster kinda...
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