Thursday, April 30, 2009

IN or OUT?

It's Valborg tonight, and normaly I'm sitting around a bonfire with friends drinking cider. But that won't happend this year. But I still wanna do something, got a Facebook invitation to an event tonight that Steph and his friends are hosting. I'm gonna die, I've been half sleeping the whole day, and I'm going training now until 22:00...It starts at 23:00 so I will be tired enough, to not care about anything by that time. We'll see if I even go. I feel like I should though, it's Valborg!

Turn off the light!

oh, I hate people that just let the light turned on during the whole night. In this house it feels like everybody does it, so annoying.
I'm gonna get super pissed for small things this last month, I just feel it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two days before moving, half my room in boxes and I'm not even moving...

SO....I called Nicolas Lenoir (WAS my futur landlord) last night because I hadn't heard from him or from his brother Cedric in more than a week. So I asked if we could meet up and sign the contract. Of course he says: sure, can I just call you back later.
He and his brother never calls back directly they call back the day after if even that.
So, as I expected, Nicolas called me back the next morning. He said Cedric was gonna have the contract for the room ready and send it to my e-mail.
I get home from work, and I read the contract with exitement.
Then it says:

Les abonnements aux distributions d'électricité, de téléphone, ou autres sont à charge
du preneur, ainsi que tous les frais y relatifs tels que les redevances des compteurs, coûts des consommations, etc.

10. PRIVATE CONSUMPTION (if any weird words out of context, it's GOOGLE translator, lol)
Subscriptions to distribution of electricity, telephone, or other dependents are
of the customer, as well as all costs related charges such as meter, cost of consumption, etc..

As far as I'm concerned I clearly asked him if it was charges compris (charges included), and he said YES!
It wasn't before I met up Nicolas to have a 2nd look on the room, and he mentioned that we had to sign the contract for EDF (in charge of electricity and heat bills). I didn't really have time to question it before he had to go somewhere else.
So I wrote Cedric an email, one week ago, and asked about the heating and the electricity bills. I never got a respond.
Anyways, I dubbelchecked with Vincent, to see what the whole phrase meant, an he said it was up to the tenant to pay the bills.
I directly called up Cedric, and asked about it. And he said the charges included meant the charges for the guardian, the elevator, the electricty in the hall, all the charges that the whole house pays for essentialy.
And obviously I thought it was the electricity and the heating for this room.
As I'm not paying for the electricty and the heating right now it's kind of new to me.
But he just said that normaly the charges for the room aren't included and yada yada yada...
anyways, I called it off, and just wished them merde, literaly MERDE!!!

Atelier Chardon Savard's fashionshow

Who? Students from 1st, 2nd and 3rd year at fashionschool Atelier Chardon Savard
Where? Cirque d'hiver Bouglione
What? fashionshow
When? Tuesday 28 Avril 19:00

Music by DJ FREDn with the group Z.A.K. live
Photographers from the school SPEOS
Hair by the school Fleurimon
Make-up by Forum Make-Up school

Coming up: I'm gonna be doing this next spring :P

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I hate people that says they're gonna call back and never does...

I'm off to Atelier Chardon Savard's fashionshow!

glad i'm leaving

I still have my favorite visitors in my room. Ants invading!
Oh, can my room get more disgusting....

Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm sitting in my room, listening to the rain against the roof, and Tony Bennette singing a duo with Diana Krall. Life is good, I'm a bit sleepy, but I'm great :)))

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's 05:10, I'm finaly home from Käbi's fest, I have old sweat drying on my body, my hair is greasy, my make up is all smooshed out, my back hurts.
Hurting yourself simply because you're drunk is so annoying, so unecessary.
I knew I should have gone home after HideOut. I never know when it's enough.
After the police came up to Käbis' appartement and told us to shut up, it kind of went dead. So me, Vincent, Gito, Kuljit, Luca and Simon decided to head home. Luca and Simon went on their scooter, and the rest of us decided to take the Velib. Which was totaly nervwrecking, because neither Gito or Kuljit knows how to ride a bike, and kind of went all over the traffic. Gito fell and knocked his head into a pole, and thought it was funny, which I really didn't!
Anyways, tomorrow is a new day, I'm gonna try to go to bed, forget everything, get all the irritation to go away.
Cojean parties are tiring after a while...:P

I'm being lifted and turned up side down, and just being on a rollercoaster kinda...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I need to go soon, but I just wanted to write todays activities. Started work at 7:30 (!!). I'm amazed those hours actually exists.
Work was OK, Marion and Alfonso passed by, they had lunch. Then they picked me up after work, we went to a bar called Bugsy, really nice. It felt like I was in London when we sat in that bar.
I'm gonna go to Hideout now, we're having the good bye-party tonight for Nhu and Tatu, and then Käbi is having a party. I just took my daily afternoon-nap, I should be able to survive this evening.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I woke up at 8 am by myself this morning. It felt really good. I did some photoshop things, I need to do it as often as I can, because with my goldfish memory I keep forgetting how to use it.I just worked for 3 hours today, it felt really good.
Then me and Linnea took a walk in the sun, had a chitchat girls between, swedes between.
My fellow co-workers:

I went to all the 2nd hand shops in Marais, and bought some very essential stuff ;) very essential...
I went to Leroy Merlin to check if they had any narrow boards that could fit into my room as a desk, or just something I could put my computer on. Felt slightly uncomfortable, somehow I always feel like the salesmen are looking at me, like they think I'm totaly lost. What? I don't look like a girl that could do some bricolage??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunny day

This morning I took a yogaclass with Emma. It felt very good. Due to my sleeping problems, I kept falling asleep in the savasanas.
I met Julie and Daisy for a drink at Chez Jeannette at rue Faubourg St.Denis. I just love the interior of that café, I feel like I'm in a 1920's Paris or something.

Then we walked to Chatelet. Daisy was gonna get ready for her performance and I sat down in front of Hôtel de Ville.
Vincent stopped by, we got a bit sunburned. Or I did. I have red cheeks and nose now, not cute :P
I'm so happy now when the sun is out. I don't know what's up with people, the line 1 direction Chateau de Vincennes keeps getting perturbée now because someone is always walking on the rail or getting sick, most of the cases I think it's someone trying to kill himself. I've had quite some personalities on the metro these past days, the other day I had two men sitting in the train, dressed in leaves and flowers, holding a plastic doll, trying to feed it red wine(!), 11 am. That was very amusing i have to say.

Damn, I've been trying to sleep for 3 hours now, and I just can't. I hate to have such irregular sleep. One night I sleep like 9 hours, next night I sleep 3 hours.
I don't know what is up with me and my Insomnia.
Maybe I'm just exited about movieng, or nervous, I don't know.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My father just called and I just couldn't talk, I'm too tired...
I'm taking a shower, brushing my teeth and going to bed.

Hasta Mañana baby!

CHANEL in Paris

Every morning I pass her store on rue Cambon. I see the big portrait they have on her. And now the posters for the movie Coco avant Chanel is up everywhere.
I would like to see the movie.
CHANEL isn't exactly one of my favorites, it's way to boring and classique for me. But I think she talks and move funny, maybe because she is old on this video clip, I don't know. She's so french though, lol.

Yoga not yoga

I just hate taking the yogaclasses at 8pm because the people that takes the 8pm classes on tuesdays are always suuuperstressed and just not pleasant.
I'm home now, and looked at my calendar, and I start 12:30 tomorrow! Yay...Figured it will take me a while to get to sleep tonight since I took my afternoon nap.

I feel like drawing, but not here...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just woke up

I hate to fall asleep in the afternoon, I always, feel like shit after.
I didn't sleep much last night, so I guess I was pretty tired.
I worked at Cojean Louvre today. It was VERY calm, I don't think I've ever finished earlier than what I should do at Cojean. I just didn't have anything to do there, (it was almost patheticaly calm..) I got out of work 15:30, the sun was shining, the weather was awesome today.
I got home around 4pm and started to watch some tv and fell asleep. It's 18:15 now, and I need to go to the yogastudio. Gonna take the class at 8pm.
I feel like I wanna die though.
Write you later.

Monday, April 20, 2009

When do people use the word "hence"?

I've been wondering for a long time how to use the word "hence".
I came home, tried to google it. Don't understand the explanation. So please someone who knows, tell me!

By the way I'm coming home to stockholm the 10th-13th of june and the 24th-30th of June.
So looking forward to it :P

The day ended very good at work, I was on time with the close, even a bit earlier :)
I was afraid because I woke up with a weird feeling having the word "hence" on my mind and all...

That was just a joke...

And I was gonna do this a sewingblogg. Uhm, I think I've sewn like 20 stitches since the last and only one time I blogged about it. But it is a bit hard to get something done when my machine is broke, so I have to sew everything by hand.
We'll see if I get more motivated after I move... Where there's less space:P
Esther made a point the other day. She was like: You would probably have afford a better place to live in if you didn't by so nice shoes.
Ugh, I hate how I sound like such a girl getting a comment like that....But it's probably more than true.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Daisy invited me and Julie to see Origine by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui at Theatre de la Ville. It is such a great performance. The dancers were wonderful. I had forgot how an amazing dancer Daisy is. They are gonna stay in Paris for a week and have 6 performances in a row, courage!

I love this photo of Daisy. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!

Clowdy ambiance outside

This morning I was in such a good photo mood. It actually started off when I was on my way to the yogastudio to take the 11am class. I walked on avenue Foch and saw a Desperado bottle on top of a wall just outside my house. So I ran back home and got my camera so I could take a photo of it. I just got so inspired by it standing there.

This is the small garden by the entrance to our house.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday, huh?

It's so sad it doesn't feel like weekend. I did the close at Cojean today, and so half of my weekend disappeared. We had a small rush the last 10 minutes before we closed. Fuck hell. I'm home, it's rainy outside, I'm just gonna take it easy, clean up my room, and organize all my paperwork.
Yesterday I had dinner with Esther in a small restaurant close to M°Alexandre Dumas. Really cosy. Then I went to POP-IN with some co-workers.

Kuljit giving a smile after days of sadness after Emilia's departure

Memo looks like a pigg and Linnea looks like a witch, LMAO

Memo on the run as always.
"I'm gonna pi,pi,pi...pi.."
"What? You're gonna pee??"
"Oh no, I'm gonna pick up Teele at the metro stop."
"Oh, ok."

Vincent and Gito

Gito trying to be fat and I'm trying to be skinny. Doesn't really work though.

Teele in motion

My messy room

I just wanted to show you some pics of my current room, it looks really dark and heavy and VERY messy...Not pleasant at all. I'm kind of a messy person...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grindberg session

I woke up at 06:00
had my breakfast
went to the yogastudio
took a class
Went back home
had lunch
powernap for 30 minutes
went to Bastille for a session of Grindberg method
which felt great, I wish I had the money to go every week, because I think it would help me a lot. Maybe I'll, it's only 10€ per session.
After that I went to visit the room in the 2nd arrondissement again.
It's so fucking small, I seriously don't know how I'll be able to get in all my my suitcaseS! my printer, scanner, sewingmachine, all my books! Jeez...Need to sell everything I think...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today we had Lolo controling everything we did at work. Really annoying, but I guess that's what they had to do.
I just hate to do the close, but I guess that gives me the food for the rest of the week.

I visited a room in the 20th today. A really cute 12m2 room, with a lot of light, the window is in to the inner garden, which looks like a typical parisian flowery court, with two small cats running around. Very cute. BUT, the big BUT is that it costs like 500€ per month. Plus A LOT of paperwork for EDF...:P no thanks. I have to register the electricity bills on my name, which I don't really feel like going through. Internet is not included...What else....Just a lot more paperwork, which I don't really feel like dealing with. Otherwise it was cute, although the room per sey didn't really have the charming ghetto, hobo feeling I got from Cedric's chambre de bonne.
I tried to call him today, but he didn't answer. I would like to see the room again tomorrow, just to verify things. I hope he hasn't chosen another tenant though, otherwise I'm really gonna be a HOBO the 1st of may...:P

I need to wake up at 6 tomorrow. Yoga studio calling, aaah.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After 2 h sleep...

I'm drinking hot water out of a cup with some-days-old teabag in it, can I get more HOBO?

I've been sleeping two hours. I don't know if it was the coffé Cedric(the landlord for the chambre de bonne dans le 2eme) gave to me or if it was because I am too stressed of deciding if I should take this place or just keep looking for another room...???

Can't believe I'm gonna work until midnight today. Makes me not wanna go outside my door. Please can someone just send me on a plane to Barracuda.
I don't know why Barracuda, it just sounded right at the moment.

My feet hurts like hell after rollerblading yesterday. It's been a year since last time I rollerbladed. I felt like Bambi on slippery ice.

I should get dressed, wash my face and "other surfaces" of my body, brush my teeth and see what this lovely day is gonna bring me.
I am wondering how often people goes to the dentist? I'm too cheap to even care about checking my teeth, even though I don't want a mouth full of holes and other weird things that shouldn't be there.

I just need to thank Nyko for suggesting, i've downloaded some great music the last week. THANKX :)

Ça y est!

Ok, so I told Mme Caulin that I'm gonna move.

I visited a room today and I loved it when I saw it, but now I'm starting to get unsure about it. I can't get CAF for it and it will be 380€/month. It's not superexpensive, but it's more expensive than what I pay now. And since I'm trying to live as cheap as possible, it's going against my rules...Which makes me panic!

It's really great situated. But it's small, it has a shower and a shared toilet. It would be great to be able to go home between work and sewing class though.
But what annoys me the most is that I can't get CAF. I hate it, and my father just got all the documents for me. Fucking annoying to say at least. Maybe I can get the money I was suppose to get from this year, that way it will be some money for me, so it will even out. I don't know, maybe it's illegal...

Monday, April 13, 2009


Ok, so I visited a room today which was int he 2eme arrondissement. WHich is great! It was really small, had a shower cuisinière. It's more expensive than my room now, but is in a great area. I can't get CAF for it.

I would save a lot more money staying in my room now, but I really wanna find something else. And I know I won't find a big place for the price I can pay.
So Im gonna talk to my father see what he thinks.
The landlords seemed really nice. It's 2 brothers in their 40's.

I've already told Mme Caulin I'm gonna leave the place in the end of April. So we'll see what y father says about that.
I decided I need to make this a sewing blogg.
So here are some photos of my process in making the dress I'm gonna wear for Cissi's wedding. The fabrics are 100%polyester and cotton lace (i think it's called in english). Apparently very hard fabrics to work with. I'm starting handmaking it, since my machine doesn't work correctly, but I think it's on it's last years anyways. I mean my mother bought it 20th october 1979 (I love how she writes the date on all her belongings). So it's going very slow to say at least.

Happy Easter!

I tend to forget this holiday. But when you get a day free from work you just can't say no :)

Yesterday I spent the whole day wandering around Paris with my capoeira friends looking for a place to train. We found it a bit difficult, because the parc guards doesn't really like us making noise playing the berimbau.
But we ended up at Champ de Mars, it was a nice april day, but without music you don't get as motivated to play.

When I came hom I felt really tired. I decided to sew a little bit. A little bit.
Then I watched some episodes of SATC. And fell asleep around midnight.

I don't know what I'm gonna do, I should draw, and sew a bit. V was gonna call if they were going to bois de Vincennes.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

such a nice day

Today was a great day.
The people at work were great, there was not much people so it wasn't too stressful today. I guess most of the people left Paris earlier for easter vacation.

I then took a capoeira class as usual it was lots of fun. I paid my fee for the baptême which is gonna be in the end of may with teachers from Brazil.
Hopefully I will upgrade myself.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Maaaaiiis! J'arrive pas dormir!

And now I can't sleep anymore.

I thought I was tired, but apparently not.
I keep thinking about everything bad in life.
And my arm can't stop aching, it hurts really bad, or it doesn't exactly hurt, but I get a slight panic because of it.

And no one fun online to talk to, so boring.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wish my allergy wasn't here

Oh my god!
I just wanted to die when I woke up this morning.
First of all I was supertired when I woke up, because of my sleepless night.
Then it seemed like my cough was worse. So I couldn't stop coughing at work.
I really need to get some medecin for it, because it's killing me.

Then I did the close at Cojean, just another reason to die.

Then I went to go to see a studio in the 9th by M° Saint George, a super nice area.
I arrived and saw 3 other people waiting outside, we went up the stairs to see the room, while the landlord came down the stairs to say that he was about to leave, and that we came too late. Hold on a minute! You had clearly indicated on your answering machine that the visit was gonna be between 19:00 and 19:30!!!
But then he said that he was gonna have another visit tomorrow, the same hours.
So forget it, I'm not gonna stress there again to see him leave. He also said that I will need a garant, and most of the cases the garant has to live in Paris, which is a bit impossible in my case.
Looking for a plcae in Paris is just another reason why I wanna die, Again.


I don't know what it is. But I always hear something running around on the roof night time, and it's only during night time. It's kind of creepy.

I can't sleep because I went to bed pretty early and now I'm lying sleepless, and it's really hot, or it's just me having a fever.

I really don't feel like closing tomorrow, I don't know why I always have to close, probably because I'm too slow in the kitchen in the morning. I know I am, but I guess it's better to do the close then working with Chanez every morning. Chanez is this 40 something year old lady that doesn't really fit in at Cojean, that's probably why they always put her in the kitchen. A depressiv lebanese lady who is kind of crazy and always seems to yell at people. She went off at one of the managers one morning about her never been this depressing in her life because she always did the same thing, while everyone else get to change tasks, and it was the first time in her 40 year old life she had had to go to a shrink.
So Thibault (the director of Cojean Madeleine) let her work in the juicebar once, when everything kind of slowed down. And that was it, now she is still in the kitchen all the time. I felt sorry for the person who was with her in the juicebar. It's tiny and hot in there, and having her big "geule" up your face through the rush hour, must be a pain the fucking ass.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

oh what a great day

This day have turned out pretty good,calm and fun. I went took a capoeira class, which felt great. So happy I went.
Have now eaten.

Marion's boyfriend came yesterday. He seems like a great guy. Marion is so much happier now, which makes it more pleasant around the house.

Sunday do's

I love sundays they are calm, and in today's case, sunny, birds singing....and then you start to notice how much you actually have to do. My paperwork seems to never end.
I just wish I was a kid again.
I changed my sheets today because they just smelled sickness.
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with my eyes itching. Really annoying.
I'm gonna take a capoeira class now, I don't know if I actually should since I'm coughing a lot right now. But I just can't let a week pass without exercising, besides I haven't taken a capoeira class for more than a week and I miss it.

Me and Vincent were thinking about taking a weekend in Marocco, I don't know why I was even considering it, because I have like NO money. I need to go to Sweden twice this summer. Because otherwise no one is gonna be there for Lilian's graduation, and I really need to be there for the wedding.
Maybe I should invite Vincent to come to Sweden. He was thinking about going there anyways.
I wish I had a moment of just realxing with friends in the summer and everything. That I felt relaxed and just enjoyed life. I know how it feels, and those moments comes once in a while, and I know I could feel it today, but I'm not quite there, something is missing.
I feel like moving.
I'm gonna try to visit a room on monday, but the problem is that it's between 19.00 and 19:30 and I'm doing the close on monday, and what I know I'm always late with the close which gonna mean I'm not gonna make it. Which sucks...
And the room is like close to Opera too, so good, and only 349€/month!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

just another saturday

I woke up this morning after a weird dream- something about "funnysex" and "ex"...
Which put me in a realy weird mood this morning, and made me work very weird.
I was annoyed by both managers, and couldn't stand the people. They brought their greasy children that made Cojean look like a playground with napkins and pasta partout, MAIS PARTOUT!
I told both Tatu and Vincent
-It's really dirty today...
And they both answered with a sour face:
-It's the children, I hate them...!

Vincent came and picked me up at work, we went shopping, OR window shopping in my case. I didn't see anything I wanted to buy anyways. I saw stuff I could copy and sew by myself, but I'm so over buying clothes for the moment.
I'm getting ready to go to meet up for Baptist's Birthday. I don't think I'll stay long, but I'll at least pass by to say hello, since I'm still a bit sick., I got the invitation for the défilé d'Atelier Chardon Savard the 28th April. I'm so exited!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Going to bed but...

Just needed to write.

I feel the spring comming thru my eyes. They start to itch. It hurts.
So me and Vincent started watching Syriana, that Marion lent me, but it was really hard to follow. We noticed we started talking more about the food in the film, than actually trying to understand the story.
We tried and tried, but did not get it.
So Vincent put in a pizza in the oven and made some salad and we put on Carnet de Voyage, a movie about Che Guevara's travel through south america. It was a great movie, and of course Gael García Bernal was great.
Then Vincent's flatmate made a chocolate cake that started off smelling good, but turned out burned, but it was pretty good anyways. I can eat everything anyways, it doesn't really matter how it tastes, I'll eat it!

Ok, gotta go to bed, start work at 7:30, then V wanted to go comfort shopping. He had some love problems, don't understand why he is making himself suffering by liking this guy that obviously isn't worth it, but I guess that's a part of the nonsense of life.
I'll be back tomorrow, because people keep writing me on msn, and I'm to tired to talk to anyone...:P

Finaly a good massage

Just came home from a good massage from Nathalie. She was great, plus she took 50€ for more than an hour, which is pretty good...:)

The people at Cojean Haussman are having a picnik at Champ de Mars right now, didn't know if I was gonna go or not, but I decided not to. I'm still sick, and don't wanna get sicker.

Just talked to Mum, she is having a b-day party tomorrow, so nice that she is enjoying herself right now.

I'm gonna go over to Vincent and watch a movie and have some pizza, I can just feel the fat growing on my body. I borrowed Syriana from Marion, so we're gonna watch it.


Yay, I finaly managed to sleep thru the night, which makes me feel a bit better. My nose is better, my throat is still a bit "coughy", my neck hurts a tad less.
Have to go be at work by noon, then going to take massage! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ok, I found a girl, i hope she is serious....she sais she is serious, anyways I wrote her an e-mail, I'm gonna try to call her tomorrow..


How hard can it be to get a massage in Paris???
It's either suuper expensive or sensual with a happy ending...????
No thank you!


I just saw Babel. It was an amazing movie, tragic, but good, the actors are amazing.

I would love to get a massage soon, I've never walked around so long with such a pain in my neck, it's killing me. But no one here ever takes massages, so I don't know where to go, and all the massages I found on the web are suuper expensive.
I wonder if they have some kind of physiotherapy school in Paris...?


Woke up 3 hours too late, oh well, gonna call me in sick today. My voice is ruined too, can't speak..

god, give me at least one breath hole :P

I don't know if that's just a coincidence, or if it 's just me or what not. But always when my nose is stuffed it's only in one nostril, and then it changes side, it's never both nostrils at the same time... Is God so kind to give us at least one breathhole? how gentle...
So this will be another sleepless night. I was super tired and went to bed at quarter to ten and thought I would sleep like a baby, then I woke up before the alarm clock and thought it was at least like 5:30 or something closer to wake up time, but NO, it was 00:48, i remember my disappointement so clearly.
So I stayed in bed for a couple of minutes just to try to go back to sleep but didn't really manage to, so I decided to get up and cut some bread from Cojean and put it in the freezer (another breating Cojean moment),and look for my VICKS stick to get my left nostril to open up, but I didn't find it to my disappointement :(
...and now I'm stuck here, it's so rediculous because no one even knows I have this blogg, and no one reads it, so I don't know who I'm writing for...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Please someone take me out of this misery

I just feel like I wanna blow my head in 1000 pieces, I hate to have a stuffed nose and not be able to breath.
I think 50% of the staff today were sick...and it's only very pleasant, that we are touching all the food with our hands and serve it to the costumer, that makes Cojean one big SICK ZONE.

I think I've eaten my own weight today. But it's OK, it's been good food. I mean I use to eat a lot but a lot of shit, so it doesn't matter.

I'm gonna take some time to draw now, and maybe try to go to bed early because I have to get up at 6 and be at the studio at 8:00 to clean it, really don't want to but what don't you do to get osme free yoga classes.

..AND 5 months later!

I've been so bad on keeping this blog alive I should be ashamed :9

So what's been happening since last time I wrote...
Well, Tookie went back to Japan LOL, and now he is in Zurich, and he invited me over, but that will be quite impossible for me to arrange with my very sophisticated job (COJEAN 4-ever :P) So he might come over to Paris again, since he has a week of vacation after his premier and earns so much more money than I do, lol.

I thought it was a joke, when I got my payroll today. For all the life dedication I've done, I've basically breathed Cojean the past 1,5 month. WOW, 1,5 month, and it feels like 1,5 year already...
Well, as everybody that quits says: I love the people. It's true the people are amazing to work with, although sometimes you just wanna smash them in the face with a soupier when they stretch all over your caisse to get a client her cake au fucking chocolat....

So it's 06:42 now, I couldn't continue sleep in because i've got a cold and couldn't breath, so I decided to update my blog.
But I'm afraid of staying in my room for the moment. Yesterday I woke up and had an antfarm in my room, next to my clothes. I jumped out of bed of disgust!
I've never had so many ants around me INDOORS! I basicaly ran to CHampion to try to get some ANTI-ant product, but Champion sucks, it's expensive and their service sucks! DO never do your shopping there! So I went over to Monoprix, which is expensive as well, but at least they were a bit more helpful over there, plus I got what I was looking for. I went straight home. Sprayed my room with that thing, don't even know what its called. But now it's dead ants all over my carpet, and it sucks, because having a wall-to-wall carpet doesn't make it easier to clean, especially not with our sucky vaccum cleaner that just makes horrible sound, but doesn't suck up a single dust.

It's getting eaiser to breath now so I'm gonna try to go back to bed. Besides I wanna look a bit more healthier at work tomorrow, you never know who comes over from another Cojean....:) Uhm, no I'm not talking about a certain person people would think I'm thinking about, in this case Linnea is probably the only one who knows who I'm talking about....OMG, Queen D go back to bed!