I don't think I've done anything but sweat today. The sun in Paris is going up and down, but the humidity definitely stays up all the time. The metro is horrible.
This morning I was stressing, because I was gonna meet up Juliana(my next colocataire) at Chatelet to get my key. And I came to metro to notice I had forgotten my passe navigo, so I had to half-run all the way back home and half-run all the way back to the metro. Already there I was sweating away.
After work I had to stress home because Carlos was gonna be at my place with his car and we were gonna bring all my heavy stuff to Porte Clignancourt. So there I ran up and down 3 floors with heavy tables, and big boxes. Then we got stuck in the traffic on the way there.
At Porte Clignancourt we had to bring all my heavy stuff 5 floors up! No elevator, I think we did 2 days at the gym there already. Carlos drove us halfway home. It took us 1,5h to get halfway home, when it should take like 20 min with car back to Vincennes. But we realized it would go way faster with the metro. Going by car around 5-6pm on a friday is definitely not the right time to drive, I know now.
There, me and Vincent were dead so we had a quick dinner at McDo Vincennes, the only Mcdonalds I can go to. We went to my place freshened up. And off we were back to Butte Chaumont where we got stuck for hours with the car.
Memo was having a good bye soirée at a really cute bar called Rosa Bonheur in the middle of the parc. Really cute, and I love the parc Butte Chaumont. I've only been there once, and I had forgotten how beautiful it is.